Browsing Tag:

life changes

    Love & Relationships

    When You’re Forced To Walk Away

    “[Our daughter’s] going to be a big sister… and…”  

    I thought this would be another routine visit to my ex’s place, except that day turned out to be anything but normal.

    For the past five years, being the only woman to give birth to his child was my emotional safety net. It was a distinction no one else had.

    But with one short sentence, my entire world came crashing down.

    Honestly, I couldn’t process anything else my ex said after hearing those words. Mentally, it was as though I’d been hit by a Mack truck and lied waiting for the coroner to collect my lifeless body.

    Granted, physically we hadn’t been together for quite some time.  Yet emotionally, there was very much an attachment there.

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    Love & Relationships

    5 Steps To Help You Resist Sexual Sin

    After sharing “Single, Saved, & Struggling” a lot of people asked how I became “so strong”. Privately, readers shared how they too struggle with sexual sin and are wanting to experience victory in that area of their relationship with God.

    So today I’m sharing five steps that can help you resist sexual sin.

    For the record, I don’t consider myself strong.  This is still a struggle and I am still 100% dependent on God for His help.

    Over the years I learnt different techniques to resist the temptation.

    Some of the steps you may know already.  And none of them are difficult.  They will however, require a lot of practice and your complete commitment.

    I pray that as you incorporate these steps into your journey, you will begin enjoying life – single, saved, and no longer struggling!

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    Everyday Woman

    The 30 Day Money Saving Challenge

    If reading “Why God Keeps Interrupting My Shopping Sprees” nudged your heart in anyway, then I’d like to invite you to join me on The 30 Day Money Saving Challenge.

    I know starting something new can be overwhelming but the challenge is really simple. For the next 30 days, let’s commit to:

    • Set a weekly cash budget and not exceed that spending limit…unless it’s a life or death situation.
    • No credit cards and no debit cards. (Because when’s the last time you tracked EVERY SINGLE TIME you swiped on your debit card?…exactly!)
    • No unnecessary spending…not even if there’s an amazing sale.
    • No impulsive shopping.
    • No retail therapy.
    • DIY whenever possible (like DIY hairdos, manicures, and pedicures to name a few)
    • Bring a bag lunch to work.
    • Home cook meals, instead of dining out…unless someone else is treating of course.
    • Make a list whenever we do have to shop, and STICKING to the list once we get to the store.
    • Sign up to receive our free annual credit report to get a true indication of our credit health.
    • Actively look for ways to reduce spending (like coupons, canceling services we don’t absolutely need, attending free events, etc.)

    These are just a few quick and easy lifestyle changes that will benefit us spiritually, physically, and financially.

    The goal isn’t perfection or to stop spending money completely.  The goal is to develop more self-control and to be more discipline with our shopping habits.

    Throughout the 30 days, I’ll post more practical money saving tips and encouragement on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

    And I’ll be looking for comments and pictures from your journey as well! Just be sure to use the hashtag #30daymoneychallenge

    Some days will be easier than others but I’m excited to see how much money we can keep in our purses and wallets.  Most importantly, I’m excited to see how this challenge will help change our spending patterns for the long haul.

    So before we find another sale, let the savings begin!