
Prayers for My Child – Back to School Edition

Oh Lord…here we go!

Back to homework assignments.

Back to special projects.

Back to state exams. Packing lunch bags. Fussing over outfit choices, or why the uniform is “boring”. And my all time favorite, back to the daily dash to make it out the house on time.

Sweet Jesus, it’s back to school time!

Would you excuse me for a moment while I take a deep breath. Feel free to take one too. I  promise, I won’t judge!

The start of a new academic year can bring a wave of different emotions for us parents.

On the one hand, we’re excited. Our kids are finally back in school and can no longer call us a million times during the day.

On the other hand, with our kids back in the classrooms and not under our protective watch, it’s easy for anxious thoughts to come creeping in.

Whether it’s for school or everyday life activities, we can use prayer to anchor our hearts and ease our souls.

We can’t control every thing happening to or around our children. But as parents, there is nothing we can’t entrust in His care through prayer.

That’s why I created Prayers for My Child – Back To School Edition

This F R E E download is packed with prayers that will help us as parents and help our scholars tackle the upcoming school year.

Each prayer is based on a Bible scripture that is referenced so you can dig deeper into the Word. It comes in a PDF format so you can save it on your mobile devices or print to frame and hang in your home or office.

I encourage you to use Prayers for My Child – Back To School Edition throughout the entire school year.

Pray the promises as often as you need to remind your mama bear (or papa bear) heart that your child will do well this school year!


Simply fill in the form below, verify your email address
and you’ll be sent a link to download and print your free copy today.

Having trouble downloading the file?  Send an email to [email protected] and have the freebie sent directly to your email inbox today!


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