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    Love & Relationships

    5 Steps To Help You Resist Sexual Sin

    After sharing “Single, Saved, & Struggling” a lot of people asked how I became “so strong”. Privately, readers shared how they too struggle with sexual sin and are wanting to experience victory in that area of their relationship with God.

    So today I’m sharing five steps that can help you resist sexual sin.

    For the record, I don’t consider myself strong.  This is still a struggle and I am still 100% dependent on God for His help.

    Over the years I learnt different techniques to resist the temptation.

    Some of the steps you may know already.  And none of them are difficult.  They will however, require a lot of practice and your complete commitment.

    I pray that as you incorporate these steps into your journey, you will begin enjoying life – single, saved, and no longer struggling!

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    Love & Relationships

    Single, Saved, & Struggling

    “In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.” ‭‭Psalms 18:6 (KJV)

    “God, help me!”

    It was a simple prayer uttered plenty of times in the past, but this time was different.

    Just minutes before, I was driving around town doing errands. The radio was tuned to the Gospel station. Instead of playing the latest hit records there was a special segment on relationships.

    The host and his guests were sharing their journey to abstinence and how they now live completely satisfied in Christ.

    This was not the average sex is bad and you ought to save yourself for marriage churchy type of conversation. Instead it was more like I love God but I also loved sex and needed Him to deliver me type of discussion.

    Captivated by the dialogue, I couldn’t get out of the car, even after reaching my destination. Each person spoke with such transparency and conviction. It made me question if I too could finally conquer this area of my life.

    You see, for most of my teenage and adult life, sex was my go-to drug of choice; it was what I used to escape reality to find comfort and companionship.

    It didn’t matter that the effects would fade almost instantaneously. The temporary satisfaction was one I couldn’t seem to resist. And being saved did not automatically take those feelings away.

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    Facing the Unexpected – Kerlene’s Story

    As a mother, nothing can quite prepare you for the first time you lay eyes on your child.

    The weeks and months leading up to their grand arrival are filled with nervous anticipation and eager excitement. We try to imagine what life would be like once our little bundle of joy arrives.

    Will she act like me? Will he sound like his dad? How will it feel to hold her in my arms?

    Every discomfort and every pain somehow magically fades away as you finally meet the little person who dictated your sleeping and eating patterns.

    For some moms like Kerlene McCall-Woods, that moment can take an unexpected turn.

    Living in Trinidad and Tobago, Kerlene’s journey in motherhood hasn’t always been paradise. Within hours of giving birth to her first child, Kerlene and her husband received a life changing diagnosis.

    I recently asked Kerlene to share her motherhood journey because it is a reality for many moms around the globe.

    While heartbreaking, her story isn’t filled with self-pity.

    Her faith could have understandably wavered but through it all Kerlene and her family are determined to make the most out of the path God has chosen for them.

    This is Kerlene McCall-Woods. And This Is Her Journey.

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    Everyday Woman

    How God Keeps Interrupting My Shopping Sprees

    Lately, I’ve been having intense negotiations with God while standing in the checkout line of my favorites stores.

    With my treasured conquests in hand, His gentle yet undeniable voice starts invading my thoughts:

    “You know, you really should save more of your money.”

    “Do you really need to buy another pair of shoes?”

    “You already have something just like that hanging in your closet.”

    “More makeup? What about that foundation you haven’t opened yet.”

    Then, in the middle of Sephora, Zara, or especially in Target, I start debating with God as to why I should go through with my purchase.

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    Having His Baby But Not His Heart

    “Then she became pregnant a third time and gave birth to another son. He was named Levi, for she said, “Surely this time my husband will feel affection for me, since I have given him three sons!”  Genesis 29:34 

    It took a long time to believe the Bible could help navigate all the roadblocks of my life.

    It’s not like I didn’t believe in God. I just never imagined a story from thousands of years ago could speak to my deepest hurt and unmask my hidden scars.

    That was before I stumbled across the story of Leah and Jacob.

    Tucked in between the pages of Genesis, their relationship could have easily been the main feature on any of today’s reality television shows.

    It’s a story woven in rejection and entangled with love and betrayal.  And it’s one that unexpectedly tugged on the strings of my single mom heart.

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