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    Preparing For The School Year During A Pandemic

    Every school year is different. And for all of us, 2020 is guaranteed to be one for the record books.

    Back to school supplies now include a computer or tablet.

    Wifi routers are now more cherished than marble notebooks.

    Pajamas are the new uniforms and Zoom calls have taken the place of cafeteria chatter.

    2020 will absolutely be a different school year!

    Whether our kids will be doing remote only or some form of hybrid learning, we can face the new normal the same way we’ve tackled every other academic year.

    We can pray our way through this pandemic.

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    Here We Go…Again

    Why does summer vacation go by so quickly?

    When did school supply lists become so elaborate?

    And how complicated is my child’s math homework going to be this year?

    I mean honestly, at what point does this process become easier?

    Just about every parent I know has already started bracing themselves for another school year.

    (For those who’ve already started the 2019-20 school year, God-speed. And for those who are in the final weeks of summer vacation, God-speed as well!)

    Each school year brings its own unique challenges. Academically and socially our children are facing more pressures today than any other generation.

    But one thing that never changes, is God’s great ability to help us and our kids blossom in any and every environment.

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    Prayers for My Child – Back to School Edition

    Oh Lord…here we go!

    Back to homework assignments.

    Back to special projects.

    Back to state exams. Packing lunch bags. Fussing over outfit choices, or why the uniform is “boring”. And my all time favorite, back to the daily dash to make it out the house on time.

    Sweet Jesus, it’s back to school time!

    Would you excuse me for a moment while I take a deep breath. Feel free to take one too. I  promise, I won’t judge!

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    The Book of Esther – A 10 Day Bible Study

    The Old Testament book of Esther is one of the most intriguing and inspiring stories of faith in the face of adversity.

    Tucked within its ten chapters are countless lessons and principles we can apply to our everyday lives. That’s why I’ve put together a 10 day devotional based on the book of Esther.

    Included in this FREE eBook is:

    • A daily devotional passage based on each chapter.

    • Reflection questions to help you dig deeper into the Word.

    • Reflection Scriptures highlighting the lessons discussed in each chapter.

    • A ‘My Notes’ section for you to journal your thoughts each day.

    Get your FREE DOWNLOAD by filling out the form below. (You can also send an email [email protected] to have your free copy emailed directly to you today.)

    I hope that you will take this faith journey with me!


    Simply fill in the form below, verify your email address
    and you’ll be sent a link to download and print your free copy today.


    20 Back to School Declarations for Your Child

    It’s that time of the year a10 popular songs for yourgain: when sleeping in late and days spent relaxing by the pool turn into a mad dash for supplies and waiting in those car pool lanes.

    Yup, it’s back to school time!

    Whether your child is starting kindergarten or their first year of college, heading back to school can be nerve wrecking for a lot of parents.

    Worry about what the year might bring can easily trickle into our thoughts and our conversations.

    But as parents or village people, (because it still takes a village to raise a child), we can decide to speak life giving words over our children.

    At times we allow our fears and our anxieties to speak louder than our faith.

    But Proverbs 18:21 tells us “the tongue can bring death or life…”  That means, with our words, we can change the course of our children’s future.

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