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This Is Her Journey


    Before You Have Your Turkey…

    There is always, always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for!”

    Can you believe it’s that time of the year again?

    It feels like just yesterday we were welcoming 2016, and now, we’re getting ready for turkey, trimmings, and all the good tidings that come with the Holiday season.

    But before you get ready to gather around the table today, why not spend a few moments reflecting on all God has done for you this year?

    1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to “be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

    So while the year may not have gone exactly how you expected, I’m sure you still have many reasons to give thanks.
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    When You’re Afraid to Make A Decision

    “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” Psalm 34: 23-24 

    “Thank you for getting back to us. We will need your final answer by 10am EST on Monday. Have a great weekend.”

    Have a great weekend?

    With only 72 hours to figure out my next move, I knew my weekend would be anything but great. Faced with what would be a life altering decision, I immediately began to panic:

    Should I take this opportunity?

    Was this God answering my prayer? Maybe it’s the enemy trying to set me up for disaster?

    What if I take this chance and things don’t work out, then what?

    I knew I couldn’t move forward without praying. But every time I tried to pray, it felt like God was busy responding to someone else’s requests.

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    Everyday Woman

    Celebrating the BIG ONE!

    Can you believe it’s been one year since the launch of This Is Her Journey? I know, I can’t! But exactly one year ago today, I pressed the live button on my blog site and I haven’t slept the same since then.
    The past year has been filled with many highs and just as many shall we say, faith-building moments.
    With your continued support, the blog has evolved and become so much more than I originally envisioned.
    In recent months, I started the Girl Talk Book Club and have been able to connect and share with women as far away as Nigeria, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
    Talk about mind blowing!

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    Beauty for Ashes – How I Survived an Abusive Relationship

    It was a Sunday afternoon this group of women would not soon forget.

    They gathered at the invitation of Onika Mars, the owner of ELONIS International, a booming men’s and women’s fashion boutique.

    But it wasn’t the clothes or fashion that brought them together that day.

    These women were all there to discuss the damaging impact of domestic violence.

    It had been almost eight years since Onika left her abuser, though this would be the first time she’d host an event to share about her journey.

    Her idea, “Come Sit and Chat with Onika” would be the first of its kind in a community where many abuse victims are forced to cope with their pain alone.

    For most of the women in attendance, this was the very first time they were able to speak about what they endured.

    It was a night to talk, laugh, pray, but more importantly it was a night to release the burden they’d been carrying alone for so many years.

    It was a night to not only see but hear that they were not the only ones abused by a loved one.

    And since October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I asked Onika to share more about her story so we can continue to break the cycle of suffering in silence.

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    When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned

    I’m a planner! A serious and dedicated planner.

    I planned the birth of my first child…before I even had a mate.

    I also planned my role on the PTA before that child was born.

    I planned my career path, my type of husband, and I even planned where I would live.  (Hey, go hard or go home! Right?)

    Fortunately, none of these events unfolded the way I planned: 

    My first child was born ahead of my timeline. My husband’s daily life is not what I anticipated. I have lived in some interesting places, and the list goes on and on.

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