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    Rethinking Those Rainy Days

    “And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.  He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Mark 4:37-40 ESV

    I love falling asleep to the sound of rain. Even as a little girl growing up in the Caribbean, I loved the soothing sound of raindrops dancing on our galvanize roof top.

    I love it so much I found the next best thing – YouTube videos – thanks to a simple search phrase – “raindrops on a tin roof”.

    And while the videos are a good substitute, they aren’t quite as calming and comforting as hearing a real life rainstorm.

    Some days, I’ll check the weather forecast to see what nights it will rain.

    Like a kid eagerly anticipating their next treat, I look forward to cuddling up in bed and falling asleep to one of my favorite sounds.

    If only it were the same when it came to the storms of life. That kind of downpour I can absolutely live without.

    Maybe it’s because they’re unexpected and there’s no app to forecast when they’ll come or how long they’ll last.

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    Promises to Comfort an Expectant Mom’s Heart

    There is nothing in this world like welcoming a new life into your family.

    Absolutely nothing.

    And while every labor and delivery story is special, giving birth in the middle of a global pandemic, well that’s a completely different experience.

    With so many unknowns, what should be a joyous milestone can easily turn into a stressful and scary reality.

    Whether you’re a first time or an experienced mom. Whether you’ll be delivering vaginally or via C-Section. Whether alone or with your support system. We can all find comfort in knowing God is not panicked or unprepared for this next chapter of our stories.

    This may not have been a part of your original birthing plans, but there’s still a beautiful, indescribable ending waiting for you.

    Soon you’ll be able to hear and touch and see God’s goodness perfectly packaged in your arms.

    So if fear and doubt tries to creep into your heart, remind yourself that the same God who saw it fit to bless you with a child in this season, is the same God who will continually be by your side.

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    Moving On: 10 Scriptures to Help Let Go of Your Past

    Have you ever played the “what if” game?

    You know, what if things worked out with (insert name of random ex here)?

    What if I made the wrong decision in switching jobs?

    What if I waited to do things God’s way?

    What if I missed my only chance to pursue my dreams?

    I hate playing the what if game, because I always end up loosing:

    I lose my peace. I lose my joy. I lose hours of sleep. I lose it all when my mind starts wandering into the endless possibility of what ifs.

    I’m guessing you’ve had your share of losses playing the what if game as well.

    Letting go of the past, no matter how dysfunctional or damaging it may have been, is never an easy process…even for us super-faith girls.

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    Living A Disappointment Free 2018

    “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

    Here we go. Two thousand eighteen!

    With a few days under our belts already, you can still sense the excitement and anticipation for what will unfold in the coming months.

    After all, with the New Year comes fresh hope and a much welcomed chance to start all over.

    Everything and everyone around us pumps up our hearts with positivity, so much so that we’re just oozing with confidence that this year will finally be OUR year:

    Our year to meet and marry our prince charming.

    Our year to start a family.

    Our year to see our business boom.

    Our year when all our dreams become our picture perfect reality.

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    Maintaining Your Salvation When Life Stresses You Out

    Have you ever seen the Snickers commercials?  You know the ones from the “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign? Well, that’s exactly how I am when life gets stressful and I am feeling completely overwhelmed.

    When things in my world get too chaotic, I’m no where near to being a sweetly saved, compassionate, and caring person.

    Family, friends, co-workers, even strangers – they all get my I just want to be left alone, passive aggressive cold shoulder. 

    That is until the Holy Spirit pulls me back from morphing into someone I am not proud of.

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