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    Little by Little

    But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.

    Exodus 23:29-30

    Have you ever found yourself questioning God’s timing? Or maybe it’s His actions (or lack thereof) that keeps you up at night?

    I know…I know.

    Good, God-fearing, church going, Bible believing Christian women aren’t supposed to have any doubt.

    But, if we’re honest, sometimes the twist and turns of life can have us second guessing our faith. That’s certainly how I’ve felt for the past couple of years walking through a chapter I never imagined would be a part of my story.

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    Preparing For The School Year During A Pandemic

    Every school year is different. And for all of us, 2020 is guaranteed to be one for the record books.

    Back to school supplies now include a computer or tablet.

    Wifi routers are now more cherished than marble notebooks.

    Pajamas are the new uniforms and Zoom calls have taken the place of cafeteria chatter.

    2020 will absolutely be a different school year!

    Whether our kids will be doing remote only or some form of hybrid learning, we can face the new normal the same way we’ve tackled every other academic year.

    We can pray our way through this pandemic.

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    Rethinking Those Rainy Days

    “And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.  He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Mark 4:37-40 ESV

    I love falling asleep to the sound of rain. Even as a little girl growing up in the Caribbean, I loved the soothing sound of raindrops dancing on our galvanize roof top.

    I love it so much I found the next best thing – YouTube videos – thanks to a simple search phrase – “raindrops on a tin roof”.

    And while the videos are a good substitute, they aren’t quite as calming and comforting as hearing a real life rainstorm.

    Some days, I’ll check the weather forecast to see what nights it will rain.

    Like a kid eagerly anticipating their next treat, I look forward to cuddling up in bed and falling asleep to one of my favorite sounds.

    If only it were the same when it came to the storms of life. That kind of downpour I can absolutely live without.

    Maybe it’s because they’re unexpected and there’s no app to forecast when they’ll come or how long they’ll last.

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    Promises to Comfort an Expectant Mom’s Heart

    There is nothing in this world like welcoming a new life into your family.

    Absolutely nothing.

    And while every labor and delivery story is special, giving birth in the middle of a global pandemic, well that’s a completely different experience.

    With so many unknowns, what should be a joyous milestone can easily turn into a stressful and scary reality.

    Whether you’re a first time or an experienced mom. Whether you’ll be delivering vaginally or via C-Section. Whether alone or with your support system. We can all find comfort in knowing God is not panicked or unprepared for this next chapter of our stories.

    This may not have been a part of your original birthing plans, but there’s still a beautiful, indescribable ending waiting for you.

    Soon you’ll be able to hear and touch and see God’s goodness perfectly packaged in your arms.

    So if fear and doubt tries to creep into your heart, remind yourself that the same God who saw it fit to bless you with a child in this season, is the same God who will continually be by your side.

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    Here We Go…Again

    Why does summer vacation go by so quickly?

    When did school supply lists become so elaborate?

    And how complicated is my child’s math homework going to be this year?

    I mean honestly, at what point does this process become easier?

    Just about every parent I know has already started bracing themselves for another school year.

    (For those who’ve already started the 2019-20 school year, God-speed. And for those who are in the final weeks of summer vacation, God-speed as well!)

    Each school year brings its own unique challenges. Academically and socially our children are facing more pressures today than any other generation.

    But one thing that never changes, is God’s great ability to help us and our kids blossom in any and every environment.

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