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    Holiday Blues: Do’s and Don’ts for Singles

    Written by Brandi Marsh of Ebony and Pink Pearls for This Is Her Journey

    Are you a single women dreading once again another year “being single” during the holidays? And during this festive holiday time you feel frustrated, while nursing thoughts of:

    • What are you gonna tell those nosey relatives who definitely mean well, but always ask “why aren’t you married yet?”
    • Where are you going to do to occupy your time to avoid feelings of loneliness because you do not have the special someone in your life?
    • When will day come for me to bring my guy to the family Holiday vacation?

    As you contemplate on how to approach the holidays this season, it is very important to celebrate during this season in a way feel comfortable for you as a single person, whether you have that special someone in your life or not.

    As you begin to see all the commercialism, decorations and your ears are bombarded with songs of holiday cheer, let the following holiday do’s and don’ts guide you.

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    Healing Through The Holidays

    Written by Tanisha Shanee for This is Her Journey

    The holiday season is upon us. Once we start seeing all the advertisements for pumpkin spice everything, we know next comes Thanksgiving and Christmas. Happy, happy. Joy. No?

    For the last 6 years, the holiday season has been difficult for me.

    In 2011, I found out I was pregnant and my baby would be born around Thanksgiving. On April 1st however, I had a miscarriage.

    Sadly, I never looked at the holidays the same. But once I started my lifestyle journey in 2012, I started to view life a little differently. 

    You see, God started to speak to me about healing. God is a healer and He wants to be a part of your journey. He wants to be a part of every aspect of our lives.

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    One Word that Changed Mother’s Day For Me

    Written by Tanisha Shanee exclusively for This Is Her Journey

    May: The month where April showers blossoms May flowers. The month for new beginnings. And also the month where children celebrate their mothers.

    For the last six years, this month has taken on a whole new meaning. What is supposed to be an exciting and wonderful season has turned into a very emotional time for me.

    Why is Mother’s Day so emotional for me?

    Well, I do have my mother with me, I thank the Lord, Jesus Christ for that. She is a beautiful, strong woman who gave birth to two beautiful women.

    But, for some women like me, even though we have our mothers in our lives, we still feel pain on this day because of one word: MISCARRIAGE.

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    Before You Have Your Turkey…

    There is always, always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for!”

    Can you believe it’s that time of the year again?

    It feels like just yesterday we were welcoming 2016, and now, we’re getting ready for turkey, trimmings, and all the good tidings that come with the Holiday season.

    But before you get ready to gather around the table today, why not spend a few moments reflecting on all God has done for you this year?

    1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to “be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

    So while the year may not have gone exactly how you expected, I’m sure you still have many reasons to give thanks.
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    Beauty for Ashes – How I Survived an Abusive Relationship

    It was a Sunday afternoon this group of women would not soon forget.

    They gathered at the invitation of Onika Mars, the owner of ELONIS International, a booming men’s and women’s fashion boutique.

    But it wasn’t the clothes or fashion that brought them together that day.

    These women were all there to discuss the damaging impact of domestic violence.

    It had been almost eight years since Onika left her abuser, though this would be the first time she’d host an event to share about her journey.

    Her idea, “Come Sit and Chat with Onika” would be the first of its kind in a community where many abuse victims are forced to cope with their pain alone.

    For most of the women in attendance, this was the very first time they were able to speak about what they endured.

    It was a night to talk, laugh, pray, but more importantly it was a night to release the burden they’d been carrying alone for so many years.

    It was a night to not only see but hear that they were not the only ones abused by a loved one.

    And since October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I asked Onika to share more about her story so we can continue to break the cycle of suffering in silence.

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