
If Only I Could Be Like Mary!

But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”  Luke 10:41-42

Cue the violins…and…action:

“Ok Roxanne…wait, what day of the week is it again?

Oh thank God, it’s Saturday!

Ugh, but it’s only 5:30am. I should go back to bed.

I can get up around 7 o’clock. Do at least one load of laundry. Get to the hair salon by 8am. Hopefully be finished by 10am.

Then I’ll go straight to Costco. Return home. Finish the rest of the laundry. Clean the house. Iron my daughter’s uniforms for the upcoming school week.

*Insert deep sigh* 

I have to do some work for my blog today.  And I really need to spend some quality time with God.

*Insert another deep sigh* 

But I’m so tired and could use a good nap.”


Welcome to a typical day in the life of this always overworked and often under-praying single mom.

Before I even make it out the bed, I’ve already mentally planned my day.

During the time I should be resting, I’m worrying about the different tasks on my to-do list. And at the forefront of that list, spending more time in prayer with God and studying His word.

But quite often my focus and priorities shift and I end up doing every thing else on my list except spending time with God.

If there’s anyone who could identify with my dilemma it would be the original, well-intention, domestic diva, Martha.

Her story played out in the book of Luke thousands of years ago when she invited Jesus and the disciples into her home.

I am sure Martha had a list of everything needed to make the day perfect. She probably woke up early making preparations. I mean, how often do you get to have Jesus himself in your home, right?

Well, as Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen, her sister Mary sat before Christ, hanging on every word he said.

Feeling frustrated, Martha interrupted the conversation to complain. But in the most unexpected way, Jesus responds:

My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”  Luke 10:41-42

I suspect Martha’s heart sank as she heard the Lord’s words. Kind of like the way my heart is sinking right now.

What about you? Do you feel some tugging from the Holy Spirit too?

Just think about it for a moment. How many times do we get worried and upset over all the details of our days?

How many times do we exhaust ourselves doing work for the Lord without even talking to Him?

How many days are we Martha instead of Mary?

From one fellow doer to another I know just how hard it is to simply sit at Jesus’ feet. And while you probably have a list of important things you need to do, nothing is more important than spending time with God.

As His children, we don’t have to wait for a special occasion for Jesus to come into our homes.

Neither do we have to make any preparations for his arrival.  All we have to do is give Him our undivided attention.

So even if it means turning off your phone for a few hours. Or not getting to everything on your list. Make today a day where you challenge yourself to be like Mary.

Spend some time sitting before God.

Hang on to His every word.

And don’t allow anything or anyone to interrupt that moment.



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