    Love & Relationships

    7 Types of Guys You Should NEVER Date or Marry…Part 1

    Let me preface this by saying I am not a love guru or love expert.  I am however an ex-serial dater, and have experienced more than my share of failed relationships.

    The men I dated were all different – different cultures, social status, churched, unchurched – you name it, I’ve probably dated him.

    In retrospect, much of my heartache and disappointments could have been avoided had I not entertained some of the men that came my way.

    So in no particular order, here’s part one of my list of 7 types of guys you should never date or marry.

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    When You’re the Only One In The Room

    “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10 (NIV)

    From the moment I saw the email, I knew it was that time of the year again.

    Whenever our office ended its busy season, my boss would suggest a celebratory after-work soiree. Normally, I would use my single mom with a long commute card as a way out of attending the dinner, but I knew I couldn’t put it off again.

    I reluctantly confirmed my attendance and secretly wished something would come up to force the cancelation of the event.

    But as the days drew closer, I knew the likelihood of my prayer being answered was slim to none.

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    Change of Heart: The Follow Up to the Facebook Challenge

    Have you ever had a moment where you were just blown away by something God did? Something so unexpected yet incredible that you knew it was only Him?

    I recently shared my story about a Facebook challenge that forced me to reexamine my relationship with my daughter’s dad. (CLICK HERE to check out The Facebook Challenge I Wanted to Ignore)

    For weeks, I hesitated to complete the challenge.

    Will he pick up my call and will it even make a difference?

    What if I’m opening up myself to be hurt again?

    Despite my efforts to shake off the challenge, I knew it was something I had to do.

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    The Facebook Challenge I Wanted to Ignore

    It was a simple challenge on a friend’s page:

    “Single mothers, call your children’s father and share with them one thing you appreciate about him as a father.”

    I chuckled, sensing this wasn’t going to end well.

    I knew my friend had good intentions. Being a single dad of three boys himself, he simply wanted to spark a healthy conversation to try to boost the image of fathers.

    The responses however were not good.

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